Tag Archives: fit

Stilettos Leg Workout

18 Nov

Hey Guys!

I hope you are having a wonderful weekend. I had one full of 1st birthday parties and catch up’s! I am happy to say I got through a kid’s birthday party without having too much junk food! Just a few party pies (hey it’s an Aussie party tradition to have a party pie!) and just a teeny tiny bit of soda to feel like I wasn’t missing out. I had plenty of green smoothie before and afterwards so I alkalined my body to make up for the acidic food!

We are heading into the season of party’s and drink’s and many people put on weight and eat terribly around this time of year so I hope to bring you lots of tips to support you during this time.

For those that read my FB status last week – I am pimping out my blog with a new design which I am really excited about! I mentioned on FB it would happen last week but we are having a few technical issues. It should be up this week so if you visit often and the site is down for a brief moment – that is the reason!

Considering my blog is called Stilettos and Green Juice I couldn’t help but post this fun stiletto’s workout by Cassey  from Blogilates. Go on and try it – I know you want to! Maybe when no one is watching!

Lyn xx

Kettlebell Workout from the Tone It Up Girls!

14 Nov

So often I watch people at the gym swing kettlebells with such bad form that I am sure they are going to throw their back out! You need to be really careful and ensure you’re back is always straight and that you aren’t using a kettle bell that is too heavy for you. I really struggle to keep a straight back so I ensure I always do my kettlebell swings in front of a mirror so that I can watch my form (something I really need to work on!)
If you’re new to kettlebells and have no idea what to then watch this video from the Tone It Up Girls. (love love love them!) You can go to their website for the printable version.

7 Moves You Can Do While Watching TV

1 Nov

It’s funny how so many people say they don’t have time for exercise but they seem to make time to watch their favourite TV show or surf the internet for hours! If TV is your priority then here are 7 moves you can do while watching your favourite show! If you don’t have a dumbbell for move 4  just use heavy cans or anything else you can find that is heavy.


Learn How To Run!

26 Oct

I have a confession. I may be able to do 100 burpees and lift heavy weights but I can’t for the life of me run! It’s always intrigued me how you can get by or exceed in one area of fitness but then totally flunk at another.

My problem with running is 1. It bores me and 2. I feel like I can’t breathe after 5 minutes! For a long time I refused to run and was very happy when my trainer said it was better for my body type to do HIIT and sprinting rather than run. There is a myth that running burns muscle, and I am naturally very thin and want to build muscle. I was so happy to hear that and if he said don’t run I wasn’t going to run!

The other day I was told something different that running won’t burn muscle if you are also including strength training. Marathon runners who look emancipated are normally only running with no strength training. When people asked me why I din’t run I use to use the example of who has the better body the marathon runner or the sprinter and the answer is always the sprinter. They usually have beautifully sleek muscle definition. However this theory was challenged by someone saying to me that a sprinter is also conditioned to be able to run long distance. They really are the ultimate fitness example.

I was recently invited to go for a run (with a very attractive guy!) but I had to admit that I didn’t run!  I was told that I wasn’t fit if I couldn’t run! Ouch. So of course you know what I have been doing! Learning to run! (and no not just because of the attractive guy but more for my fitness – honestly!)

I am always up for a challenge so I have decided to run at least twice a week. I have been  practicing the walk run method.  It’s a great way to slowly build up your ability to run. I have heard many people of all ages and fitness levels have had success this way.

I by no means have plans to run any type of half marathon or fun run but I would love to be able to go on a run with a fit attractive guy when he asks!



Have you  gone from not being able to run toloving to run? Would love your thoughts!


Workout for the weekend

13 Oct

Hey Guys!

It’s the weekend and I am excited! The sun is shining,  I started my day with a great 1.5 hour gym session! (I know that doesn’t excite many – but this is how I get my kicks!) and now I can relax for the rest of the weekend.

It seems this week you all loved the healthy muffin in a mug recipe from yesterday. It got a lot of views! I think I will be experimenting this weekend with what else I can make in a mug!

I would love to hear from you on what type of things you want to see on this blog. Do you want more recipes? More fitness idea’s, health topics, nutrition advice? I would really appreciate your feedback so I can make this site everything that YOU want!

I was just reading another blog I follow called  Angry Trainer Fitness. He was doing a review on another fitness website called Loving Fit (you can read article here) and he highly recommend this girl’s workout video’s. Alfonso (The angry trainer) isn’t a fan of a lot of the pretty youtube fitness girls (one of whom I follow religiously!) so if he says someone’s good I am going to check them out.

I wanted to share one of her video’s. I really think you should check her out as this girl knows her stuff. She breaks it down for beginners and really encourages you to watch your form (something a lot of youtube fitness trainers don’t bother about.

I am going to try this workout on Monday. Who want’s to try with me?

(the first few mins she is talking about fitness so if you want to go straight to the workout you may need to fast forward a little)


Enjoy your Saturday!


Lyn 🙂

Bikini Body Blaster – Abs!

8 Oct

This is a great ab workout that I thought I would re-blog from Cassey at Blogilates. Combine this with cardio or a HIIT workout to get your abs in great shape. She’s using paper plates to glide on but you could also do this with magazines, socks on a slippery surface, or anything that allows you to glide your feet and hands.



My Favourite At Home Workouts

1 Oct

Plenty of people don’t like the gym or can’t afford the gym. Here are a few of my favourite at home workout programmes…


I forgot to mention Insanity. If you want an insane cardio workout and you are already fit and want to take it to the next level – Insanity is for you. But be warned the name says it all. It’s seriously insane!

You can find these workouts at Beach Body

Stay active this week!

Secrets of a Skinny Bitch

5 Sep

Skinny bitch is a term I got use to being called pretty early on as a teenager. I think it was supposed to be a compliment but it always upset me. While most girls were starving themselves or throwing up their food I was desperately trying to put on weight. I hated being skinny, loathed my body and I wanted so much to be curvier just so that I could fit in.

Nowdays I will proudly hold my head up as a  skinny bitch. I have a little more curve then in my early days but happy to accept my weight as nature intended it to be. I have learnt to love my body no matter what size I am, as long as I am healthy and strong. In reality fit and strong is the new skinny!

Being a skinny bitch is not about starving yourself or trying to be something that you are not. It’s about being the best you can be. If you’re blessed with curves then you can be a skinny bitch on the inside with love,  nutritious food and exercise.

A lot of people seem fascinated by what I eat or how I stay so thin.  In my teens and 20’s you’d be annoyed to know that I didn’t do much. My favourite food was McDonald’s and I drank coke every day, but as I have entered my 30’s if I eat that way I look 3 months pregnant!

So I want to share with you the secrets of embracing the skinny bitch within!

A Skinny Bitch…

  •  Always eats breakfast
  • Eats regularly –at least every 2 hours. 3 meals plus  healthy snacks
  • Eats smaller quantity meals, especially at dinner. If you’re eating the same size portion as your boyfriend – that’s too much
  • Enjoys her food but does not comfort eat. Eat to live, not live to eat
  • Knows when she feels full – and stops!
  • Eats protein with every meal and carbs until the afternoon – lay low on carbs in the evening.
  • Nourishes her body with plenty of vegetables and fruit
  • Cuts out the crap – Junk food is an occasional treat
  • Loves to be active
  • Exercises (and I mean sweats) at least 3 times a week – heard of skinny fat? Don’t be skinny with no tone!
  • Feels comfortable in her skin

I get asked all the time about what I eat. A real skinny bitch never goes hungry! I pretty much snack every minute between meals! Here is a sample menu of a skinny bitch

Breakfast – green smoothie followed by 2 eggs and spelt toast

Snack –  peanut butter and chai seeds on apple, banana, nuts

Lunch – large salad with variety of vegetables and a protein like chicken, nuts and sometimes beans. Plus a wholemeal bread roll (once or twice a week I may have pasta after training)

Snack –handful of raw almonds, small piece of 85% dark organic chocolate, fruit and 2 pieces of spelt toast with coconut butter and cinnamon

Dinner – fish or steak  with  lots of raw broccoli, carrots, beans (I add quinoa if I have had massive training session at gym)

Desert – frozen berries with chai seeds, home-made coconut oil chocolate (sugar-free)

Drinks – water, rice or goats milk with organic cacao, vegetable juice, smoothies

We can’t do much to change the body shape we were born with, but we can nourish and challenge our bodies and our mind to be the best we can be at any size.

The Secret of Staying Fit and Healthy

18 Aug

There is a message that I am really passionate about sharing and will continue to do so on this blog and that is to encourage you to pursue health and fitness with the intention of taking care of yourself, rather than the main intention being to look a certain way!

So many people diet and exercise from a place of fear and ego and this will only rob you energetically, therefore it will not successfully keep you healthy. When dieting is tied up in low self-esteem then you are doing more damage than good because your mind will go to a place of obsession and fear.

Don’t make your life about trying to look a certain way. Live your life with passion and be a person who loves every part of their life including your body.

You are a miracle, you are THE miracle. Connect to this miracle feeling to bring abundance in every area of your life.

Do what makes you feel good and NEVER feel guilty. You deserve to do things that make you feel good.

If eating a little ice-cream makes you happy, then make it a special occasion and enjoy every bite. There is nothing wrong with the occasional treat so don’t feel guilty afterwards. Enjoy it, savour it and walk away with a smile on your face. Not feeling guilty and fat!

When you come from a place of love and feel good about yourself, you won’t be turning to food as an emotional crutch and you will be geared towards nourishing your body rather than filling it with crap.

In many cultures sweet food such as cake is only eaten during celebration, so they have learnt to enjoy their cake, but they know it’s not for every day. Learn from the way other cultures eat and don’t be fooled by the marketing of huge food corporations who make you think you can’t live without their processed food product.

Love yourself enough to want to take care of yourself! Exercise to experience the natural endorphins of being fit, there is nothing like it! Nothing tastes as good as fit feels!

And don’t forget to BELIEVE in yourself and your power to change the way you feel about yourself and the world around you.