Tag Archives: motivate

Mission Body Love: 15 Tips to Better Body Acceptance

10 Oct

Guest blog by Elise McDowell

Embrace your body acceptance

Kids crack me up man. They’re so bluntly honest about everything it can be quite refreshing an yet quite confronting.

I remember when I started nannying for this family and on the first day the youngest came up behind me and smacked my butt and blurted out “You’ve got a big bum!” and within a millisecond I replied “Well my boyfriend loves it big!”

I had just defended myself against a 4yr old. Wow.

After the day was over I remember thinking silently in the back of my mind “Oh my god, do I really have a big butt? I do, don’t I! Everybody I walk past is thinking that as well.. OH MY GOD THAT’S WHY PEOPLE STARE AT ME!! Am I… fat? OH NO I AM AREN’T I!?!?” and cue bursting into tears.

Honestly wtf?

As small or stupid as this incident may seem, it was a huge indicator to me about how I really felt about myself and it wasn’t good.

This (among maaaaaaaaany other incidences) started my journey to self love and care. BOOM! And it’s not a case of one day it just slaps you in the face and you know exactly what to do, it’s more of a series of slaps in the face that clue you on to something not being ‘quite right’.

So off I started and I was keen to do whatever it took to make me feel better about myself and my body (and that’s another huge factor that I believe you need, the ‘I will do ANYTHING attitude’) and below I decided to share some of those things with you to help you on your mission.

Body care love self acceptance
Mission Body Love: 15 Tips to Better Body Acceptance
  1. Take up a class of something you’ve always wanted to do (i.e burlesque, desert making, pole dancing etc)
  2. Create for yourself a weekly pampering ritual whether it’s a bath with your favourite salts and oils or a spa at your local swimming club.
  3. Spend more time naked and familiarizing yourself with your body.
  4. Write about how you’re feeling in your self love journal.
  5. Find/buy/create outfits that make you feel good/sexy/hot/cute/beautiful/gorgeous etc.
  6. Practice EFT and using affirmations.
  7. Talk to people you trust, have a sounding board.
  8. Dance literally as if you were the most un-co person in the world.
  9. Find things that make you laugh – whether it’s a comedian, youtube vids, fail compilations etc.
  10. Step outside of your comfort zone.
  11. Think about parts of your body you do love and amplify that ‘love’ feeling.
  12. Try a new exercise, sport or group class that you’ve wanted to try.
  13. Read books with similar themes i.e Eat, Pray, Love
  14. Work on your limiting beliefs with books and audio programs (Change your brain, change your body by Daniel G. Amen is an eye opener!)
  15. Stop waiting for permission to do the things you want to do and DO them. Write at the top of a page ‘What do I Want?’ and then sit there and write! Then go and do them!
I think a lot of people get stuck between wanting to change how they feel and taking the action to change it – because that is the only way you will ever feel better about yourself.. taking action.

So if life has been slapping you round lately, how’s about we start looking to take some action?
I know… It’s scary, you don’t want to, you feel lazy, you can’t be bothered, it terrifies you, you have no time, you’re too busy, you’ve got kids, you’ve got work, you’ve got a boyfriend, you’ve got uni.. blah blah blah.
Just remember….. There are two types of people in the world, those who have reasons & those who have results. Taking action doesn’t require much, only courage. The universe handles the rest.Which one are you going to be?

Happy body lovin’
Elise xo


Elise McDowell is the creator of The Inner Vibrance Project 

Elise is here to help you work your way to a self-loving, magic-making, positive thinking, dream chasing and play making person so you can live your life the way you want, all the way to the end!

I am a regular visitor to her blog so I recommend taking a look at her website www.elisemcdowell.com and signing up for regular doses of positivity and inspiration.