10 Tips for a Banging Body!

19 Sep

1. Cut the crap – there is no point killing yourself at the gym if you are going to eat crap. It’s that simple. Cut back on sugar, fatty foods, processed packaged foods, diet products all those things you think you can’t live without. Trust me before long you won’t even miss them.

2. Have a love affair with vegetables – The more nutrients you fill up on the less you will crave the crap. Your sugar and junk food cravings are a desperate sign that your body is in need of nutrients. Find ways to include lots of vegetables in all your meals. This is one food you can gorge on. Your dinner plate should be ¾ full of vegetables.

3. Eat! – Starving yourself will not get you a banging body. To develop tone and fuel your body for training you need to eat consistently. Include lean protein with each meal, eat carbs until the afternoon and have a varied clean diet which includes lots of vegetables, whole grains, fruit, fibre and good fats.

4. Train like a beast to look like a beauty – You don’t have to dedicate hours at the gym every day to be fit. Whatever time you have to exercise, make it count.

5. No more excuses – We complain that we don’t have enough time to keep fit but how many hours do you spend on the internet or watching TV? Make time! Even if it’s  just 15 mins a day! If that’s all you have than sweat like a pig for 15 mins.

6. Change your routine – Don’t get stuck in a rut of doing the same exercises. This was my biggest challenge. If you can afford to -invest in a trainer to help you mix it up and motivate you. Otherwise there is great advice on youtube or plenty of home fitness products like P90X or Insanity that will inspire you with different workouts. Always confuse and challenge your muscles with a variety of moves.

7. Educate yourself – The more you learn about nutrition, the food industry, exercise and your body the more likely you are to commit to eating well and exercising. My biggest motivator was the knowledge I gained along the way on nutrition. Read books on nutrition, hang out with people who are further along on the journey, watch documentaries, read blogs etc

8. Love and respect yourself – No matter what your body shape looks like, always love and respect your body enough to be kind to it. Believe that you are worth it.

9. Train your thoughts – We are what we think. Basically what you believe you become so it’s most important that you take control of negative thinking and replace them with positive thoughts. This is one of the most challenging areas to control but find the joy in every moment and you will slowly be able to see changes in all areas of your life. It’s not to say  you can’t have  a bad day, we are emotional creatures, but know that a bad day is just that, and there is always tomorrow.

10. Know what to flaunt – Choose one great asset (and we all have at least something) and proudly flaunt it (in a PG way of course!) If you have great legs – wear skirts, if it’s your amazing guns – get them out. If you feel totally insecure with your body maybe you have great hair. Find something!! Do whatever you can to feel more confident and distract yourself (and other people’s eyes) from the areas that you may need to work on!

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