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How to Lose the Belly “Pooch”

20 Oct

It was a beautiful day in Sydney today and you know what that means? Beach time!!

I am lucky enough to live only a few minute walk from the best view in the world! Always inspired to go for a walk or run when this is on my doorstep!

For so many getting into a bikini can feel a little daunting. I know a lot of you from other parts of the world are getting out of your bikinis and into your woolens but feeling good about your body should be a year-long deal.

I am pretty confident about my body (I am probably one of the rare ones!) Even when it’s not at it’s best I always feel good about myself BUT I do still try to get it looking it’s best to showcase my fitness rather than showcase my bikini.

I have been training really hard and eating so clean but I still can’t get rid of my “pooch”. My stomach has always been my weak area and the only area I really gain weight. I have lost quiet a bit off my stomach in the past 6 months but the rest won’t budge. And darn it I want abs! Having this blog keeps me very motivated to get there as I want to show you it’s possible without having to starve yourself. I also want to start moving my career into the health and fitness industry so I really want to get my body to the point where it shows how hard I train.

I was at the gym this morning and my old trainer once again pointed out the fact that I haven’t lost all the weight off my stomach and it needs to go. God love him! I always appreciate and love his honesty! I know most girls would want to hit him but I need that push, so I appreciate it! Now most of you would look at me and think my stomach was totally fine and it is! but I think the reason it’s more noticeable on me is because I am really thin everywhere else.

We talked about what I could do to get rid of the last few inches of body fat and I know it must be something to do with my diet. As you know it most of my posts, I refuse to count calories or cut out carbs or do any other of those extreme things. I know very well that I could do a total carb cut out and it would work but for how long.

What I have decided to do is cut out wheat, mainly bread as I know this has been bloating me and causing stomach pain. I have a very sensitive stomach, as I have had stomach ulcers and bacteria infections in the past so I am very sensitive to certain foods.

I will also slightly reduce my carbs, especially my fruit intake. I think some days I have 4 or 5 pieces and this may be far too much fructose. I am going to make sure I don’t get obsessive with all of this, but I want to make a few changes in my diet to try to get these abs!

I know so many people want a flat stomach and ab definition so I will share my journey along the way and let you know how I am going.

Ok so I am going to be brave and show you my pooch. I know it’s nothing major but as you can see I am skinny but have this weird bulge in my stomach! This was taken earlier in the day and by the end of the day the bulge gets worse! A year ago my stomach fat was worse – about 5 kilos more on my stomach. Once I get the results I want I will show you pics of what I was 6 months ago and my new defined abs!

Much better from the front!

I  just want to say if you’re a curvy girl please don’t be upset that I think that I have a stomach! I know what you are thinking! I know it’s nothing, but I just want to be as toned in my stomach as I am everywhere else. And I want to stop feeling so bloated with stomach pain!

So do you want to join me in finding our abs?

This week there will be no wheat products and only carbs in the morning and lunch. There will be also a limit to 2 pieces of fruit a day. If this doesn’t  help then I will look at going a little stricter but lets start here for now.

I am going to sit down over the next few days and work out a great diet plan to follow – and by diet I do not mean starvation or calorie counting! I will share this with you as soon as I have worked it out.

An example of one days meal plan will be:

Breakfast: Green Smoothie, 1 hard-boiled egg and organic oats with rice milk, chai seeds and coconut

Snack: Handful of nuts and a banana

Lunch: Large Chicken, Quinoa and Kale salad with lots of other vegies including Avocado and almonds

Snack: Apple with organic nut butter (I normally have organic peanut butter but I think I will swap this with almond butter)

Dinner: Grilled or baked fish with lots of vegetables

Desert: Chia seed chocolate pudding (chia seeds soaked in rice milk with cacao)

And for exercise it will be a lot of interval training and abs workouts like this:

Tatianna’s abs are what I am after! Or maybe not that extreme just more lines and definition! I am pretty certain I will start seeing my abs after a few weeks of cutting out wheat, so I will keep you posted!

What’s the area of your body that you would like to work on?

Workout for the weekend

13 Oct

Hey Guys!

It’s the weekend and I am excited! The sun is shining,  I started my day with a great 1.5 hour gym session! (I know that doesn’t excite many – but this is how I get my kicks!) and now I can relax for the rest of the weekend.

It seems this week you all loved the healthy muffin in a mug recipe from yesterday. It got a lot of views! I think I will be experimenting this weekend with what else I can make in a mug!

I would love to hear from you on what type of things you want to see on this blog. Do you want more recipes? More fitness idea’s, health topics, nutrition advice? I would really appreciate your feedback so I can make this site everything that YOU want!

I was just reading another blog I follow called  Angry Trainer Fitness. He was doing a review on another fitness website called Loving Fit (you can read article here) and he highly recommend this girl’s workout video’s. Alfonso (The angry trainer) isn’t a fan of a lot of the pretty youtube fitness girls (one of whom I follow religiously!) so if he says someone’s good I am going to check them out.

I wanted to share one of her video’s. I really think you should check her out as this girl knows her stuff. She breaks it down for beginners and really encourages you to watch your form (something a lot of youtube fitness trainers don’t bother about.

I am going to try this workout on Monday. Who want’s to try with me?

(the first few mins she is talking about fitness so if you want to go straight to the workout you may need to fast forward a little)


Enjoy your Saturday!


Lyn 🙂

Bikini Body Blaster – Abs!

8 Oct

This is a great ab workout that I thought I would re-blog from Cassey at Blogilates. Combine this with cardio or a HIIT workout to get your abs in great shape. She’s using paper plates to glide on but you could also do this with magazines, socks on a slippery surface, or anything that allows you to glide your feet and hands.



Ten Minute Workout

4 Oct

Do you have 10 minutes to spare today? How about trying this awesome workout posted by the peeps at FitSugar with Tony Horton.

Tony Horton is the creator of P90X and Ten Minute Trainer which I talked about it my last video blog. He’s style is functional fitness which target’s several muscle groups at once while getting your sweat on.

I adore Tony, I could watch his workout’s over and over! (truth be told I have probably watched his P90X workouts more than I have done them!)

These 10 minutes will have you feeling the burn! For best results do this routine at least twice or mix it up with a few other workouts. But if all you have is 10 minutes. This is better than nothing!


Want great recipe ideas and more motivation? Come over and visit the Stilettos and Green Juice Facebook page

My Favourite At Home Workouts

1 Oct

Plenty of people don’t like the gym or can’t afford the gym. Here are a few of my favourite at home workout programmes…


I forgot to mention Insanity. If you want an insane cardio workout and you are already fit and want to take it to the next level – Insanity is for you. But be warned the name says it all. It’s seriously insane!

You can find these workouts at Beach Body

Stay active this week!

Sweat It Gangnam Style

28 Sep


Happy Friday! Here in Sydney we are happier than usual as it’s also a long weekend!

What makes me smile more than a long weekend is a bit of  Gangnam Style. This song has the power to make a bad day a great one! In fact my colleague and I like to break out in Gangnam style whenever we need a hit of positivity at work! We even managed to Gangham Style dance past the opera house yesterday on our lunch break 🙂

So for this wonderful Friday I want to share with you a Gangham Style workout from blogilates.

Get your sweat on and be happy!



Ps for those that are living in a buble and haven’t seen the original track check it out and try to keep a straight face!


Gym Starter Training Guide

26 Sep

The gym can be intimidating at times for so many people! If your new to the gym or just to weight training you may not even know where to start! We’ve all felt a bit lost at the gym at some time or another.

I just found this basic gym workout that I thought may give you inspiration at the gym, particularly for those feeling a little lost. Hope it helps!


5 Yoga Poses That Help Tight Hips – With Tara Stiles

23 Sep

Fancy a little yoga to start your day? This is how I started my Sunday.

What I love about yoga is that it can be done anytime and any place and even just a few gentle stretches makes the world of difference! I was battling problems with my hips due to a lot of weighted squats and lunges but adding a little yoga into my week (as well as Pilates) has my hips feeling 13 again!

Give this routine a go!

10 Tips for a Banging Body!

19 Sep

1. Cut the crap – there is no point killing yourself at the gym if you are going to eat crap. It’s that simple. Cut back on sugar, fatty foods, processed packaged foods, diet products all those things you think you can’t live without. Trust me before long you won’t even miss them.

2. Have a love affair with vegetables – The more nutrients you fill up on the less you will crave the crap. Your sugar and junk food cravings are a desperate sign that your body is in need of nutrients. Find ways to include lots of vegetables in all your meals. This is one food you can gorge on. Your dinner plate should be ¾ full of vegetables.

3. Eat! – Starving yourself will not get you a banging body. To develop tone and fuel your body for training you need to eat consistently. Include lean protein with each meal, eat carbs until the afternoon and have a varied clean diet which includes lots of vegetables, whole grains, fruit, fibre and good fats.

4. Train like a beast to look like a beauty – You don’t have to dedicate hours at the gym every day to be fit. Whatever time you have to exercise, make it count.

5. No more excuses – We complain that we don’t have enough time to keep fit but how many hours do you spend on the internet or watching TV? Make time! Even if it’s  just 15 mins a day! If that’s all you have than sweat like a pig for 15 mins.

6. Change your routine – Don’t get stuck in a rut of doing the same exercises. This was my biggest challenge. If you can afford to -invest in a trainer to help you mix it up and motivate you. Otherwise there is great advice on youtube or plenty of home fitness products like P90X or Insanity that will inspire you with different workouts. Always confuse and challenge your muscles with a variety of moves.

7. Educate yourself – The more you learn about nutrition, the food industry, exercise and your body the more likely you are to commit to eating well and exercising. My biggest motivator was the knowledge I gained along the way on nutrition. Read books on nutrition, hang out with people who are further along on the journey, watch documentaries, read blogs etc

8. Love and respect yourself – No matter what your body shape looks like, always love and respect your body enough to be kind to it. Believe that you are worth it.

9. Train your thoughts – We are what we think. Basically what you believe you become so it’s most important that you take control of negative thinking and replace them with positive thoughts. This is one of the most challenging areas to control but find the joy in every moment and you will slowly be able to see changes in all areas of your life. It’s not to say  you can’t have  a bad day, we are emotional creatures, but know that a bad day is just that, and there is always tomorrow.

10. Know what to flaunt – Choose one great asset (and we all have at least something) and proudly flaunt it (in a PG way of course!) If you have great legs – wear skirts, if it’s your amazing guns – get them out. If you feel totally insecure with your body maybe you have great hair. Find something!! Do whatever you can to feel more confident and distract yourself (and other people’s eyes) from the areas that you may need to work on!

How to Get a Hot Body After Baby!

16 Sep

Getting back in shape at any stage of life can be hard but shifting post baby weight is definitely a challenge for a lot of women.

My guest blogger Dani from Fitness Food and Style is an inspiration and example of working hard and eating well. She has 4 kids under 7 and has got back into incredible shape!

Want to know how she does it? I will let her tell you about the programme she follows……


I constantly get people asking me how I manage to find time to exercise, cook healthy and eat clean 80% of the time with 4 kids under 7. When I respond to them that I only workout 15 minutes per day with the Fit Yummy Mummy system they are simply amazed. Even much so when I tell them I eat 5-6 meals per day. I am not on any diet.
This is now our lifestyle and new way of living. Healthy.

I also participate in 4 FYM Transformation Challenges throughout the year and heavily rely on the Transformation Kit. These workouts totally get me motivated and my body gets an entire workout. Should you wish to obtain a copy, I am able to offer a $50 discount. It is jam packed with 12 weeks worth of DVD’s, meal planners, coaching calls and lots lots more!!! It even enables you to trial Clubfym for 30 days for free!!! Check it out here.

Otherwise you may just want to purchase the SPECIAL 50% OFF Fit Yummy Mummy fat loss system ebook on my link at $19.95. This also includes a FREE 30 day trial at Clubfym.Should you be interested in following me and getting the results I have.

Paying a Clubfym $19.95 monthly subscription I receive:

  • a NEW “Workout Of The      Month” plus “Do it like this” videos!!
  • hundreds of articles &      various discussions and topics in the forums about health, recipes, how to      and personal one-on-one training tips from Holly herself!
  • private discussions with      like minded women about our progress, articles relating to Fat Loss for Busy Mums including workouts, nutrition and motivation
  • Success stories from REAL      women (yes that means me) and not just some air brushed model      or celeb on a mag

There is so much more I can write about Fit Yummy Mummy but instead why don’t you take up this exclusive 50% discount off the FYM fat loss system ebook and experience Clubfym for 30 days FOR FREE!!!!! You won’t be disappointed!

It’s the best 60c I spend daily!!!! Not a bad investment on being healthy and looking good on the inside and out? Especially being time poor with 4 children, I find it difficult to go to the gyms so working out in the comfort of our own home is IDEAL!!

Just to showcase, I got my body back after 4 babies using this FYM system. It truly works.

Check out MY before and after pics….

Pregnancy number 1

Here is me in 2006…. I thought I was content with my life and weighing over 90kgs AKA 200lbs with the unhealthy food choices with no exercise regime in my life whatsoever….

Noah was born 08/08/05

Until I wanted my sexy back or rather my post baby body back! That’s when I found the Fit Yummy Mummy system and it changed MY life and my families FOREVER. We live a lot more healthier and have so much more energy and zest for life!!!!

Pregnancy 2

Before Nov 07 After Jan 09

Pregnancy 3

Before Jan 10 Afer Dec 10

Pregnancy 4

Before Sept 2011 After April 2012



Xx Dani


If you would like to join Dani at Clubfym and receive 50% off the FYM fat loss system ebook and trial the club for 30 days for FREE!!! Your new YOU is waiting for you there!!!

Make sure you check out Dani’s blog Fitness Food and Style