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Stilettos Leg Workout

18 Nov

Hey Guys!

I hope you are having a wonderful weekend. I had one full of 1st birthday parties and catch up’s! I am happy to say I got through a kid’s birthday party without having too much junk food! Just a few party pies (hey it’s an Aussie party tradition to have a party pie!) and just a teeny tiny bit of soda to feel like I wasn’t missing out. I had plenty of green smoothie before and afterwards so I alkalined my body to make up for the acidic food!

We are heading into the season of party’s and drink’s and many people put on weight and eat terribly around this time of year so I hope to bring you lots of tips to support you during this time.

For those that read my FB status last week – I am pimping out my blog with a new design which I am really excited about! I mentioned on FB it would happen last week but we are having a few technical issues. It should be up this week so if you visit often and the site is down for a brief moment – that is the reason!

Considering my blog is called Stilettos and Green Juice I couldn’t help but post this fun stiletto’s workout by Cassey  from Blogilates. Go on and try it – I know you want to! Maybe when no one is watching!

Lyn xx

Kettlebell Workout from the Tone It Up Girls!

14 Nov

So often I watch people at the gym swing kettlebells with such bad form that I am sure they are going to throw their back out! You need to be really careful and ensure you’re back is always straight and that you aren’t using a kettle bell that is too heavy for you. I really struggle to keep a straight back so I ensure I always do my kettlebell swings in front of a mirror so that I can watch my form (something I really need to work on!)
If you’re new to kettlebells and have no idea what to then watch this video from the Tone It Up Girls. (love love love them!) You can go to their website for the printable version.

Victoria’s Secret Angel Abs

8 Nov

Have I mentioned that I am totally in love with all things Victoria’s Secret? I get super excited for their annual parade. I love the glitter, the glam, the beautiful bodies and most importantly the angel wings!

I am even more obsessed with angels and would happily walk around every day with angel wings if my friends and family allowed it!

Women usually have two responses to the Victoria’s Secret Parade. They either feel like crap about their bodies and feel depressed, or they are in awe of the women, love the beauty and fun of the  parade and feel inspired to do some sit ups!

I don’t know about you but nothing inspires me more! But please, please remember my post this week about How To FEEL Good Naked. Only a very small percentage of women in this world will look like a Victoria’s Secret Model so all that is important is that you do your best to be as healthy as you can be and choose to love and be kind to yourself.

There are  women who see a beautiful  woman and instinctively try to tear them down and look for their faults so that they feel better about themselves. This is not cool! The only way to really see the beauty in yourself is to see the  beauty in other women. Women should be loving and supporting each other. It’s totally normal to feel a little jealous or down about your body but be aware that this is your ego talking and all things that come from the ego are illusions. The ego’s job is to separate us from love and keep us in fear based thoughts.

For those that want to work on their Victoria’s Secret Model Abs then check out Blogilates Ab workout. I have been doing this workout every day this week and it is a killer! Honestly it’s one of the best ab routines I have done. Also remember that abs are made in the kitchen so it’s vital that you are eating healthy meals and snacks.

Be kind to yourself and see the beauty in everyone.

Lots of light and angel love

Lyn xx

Victoria's Secret Angel Abs

8 Nov

Have I mentioned that I am totally in love with all things Victoria’s Secret? I get super excited for their annual parade. I love the glitter, the glam, the beautiful bodies and most importantly the angel wings!

I am even more obsessed with angels and would happily walk around every day with angel wings if my friends and family allowed it!

Women usually have two responses to the Victoria’s Secret Parade. They either feel like crap about their bodies and feel depressed, or they are in awe of the women, love the beauty and fun of the  parade and feel inspired to do some sit ups!

I don’t know about you but nothing inspires me more! But please, please remember my post this week about How To FEEL Good Naked. Only a very small percentage of women in this world will look like a Victoria’s Secret Model so all that is important is that you do your best to be as healthy as you can be and choose to love and be kind to yourself.

There are  women who see a beautiful  woman and instinctively try to tear them down and look for their faults so that they feel better about themselves. This is not cool! The only way to really see the beauty in yourself is to see the  beauty in other women. Women should be loving and supporting each other. It’s totally normal to feel a little jealous or down about your body but be aware that this is your ego talking and all things that come from the ego are illusions. The ego’s job is to separate us from love and keep us in fear based thoughts.

For those that want to work on their Victoria’s Secret Model Abs then check out Blogilates Ab workout. I have been doing this workout every day this week and it is a killer! Honestly it’s one of the best ab routines I have done. Also remember that abs are made in the kitchen so it’s vital that you are eating healthy meals and snacks.

Be kind to yourself and see the beauty in everyone.

Lots of light and angel love

Lyn xx

The Best FREE Fitness Resources

4 Nov

Hey Guys!

I hope you are having an amazing weekend!

I have just discovered a really cool free resource and I had to let you know about it! If you are searching for fitness inspiration and really want to see results and change your body you have to take a look at fitness model Jennifer Nicole Lee’s online programmes and video’s.

Jennifer Nicole offers e-book’s that you can purchase but there are also  free resources for you if you sign up to her newsletter.

This is a really great full body workout that I am excited to try at my next gym session. You can also do it at home!

Pint version is here is a great resource and another awesome free programme from this website is Jamie Eason. Jamie has a free 12 week programme which outlines exactly what to eat and gives examples of how to train to completely transform your body, so check her out!



I am also totally in love and obsessed with – These girls have amazing free workout videos and advice on their website. They do also sell a nutritional programme but it is a bit pricey and I am sure it’s nothing you can’t find online for free. If you are totally clueless about your diet than it might be worthwhile to buy. They are about to launch their holiday hottie series so be sure to sign up to their newsletter or find them on facebook.

I am in no way affiliated with Jennifer Nicole, Jamie or Tone It Up. I just want to share with you the great resources that I discover!

It’s so great to know you don’t have to spend a fortune to get fit!

Choose to feel amazing this week!

Lyn xx

7 Moves You Can Do While Watching TV

1 Nov

It’s funny how so many people say they don’t have time for exercise but they seem to make time to watch their favourite TV show or surf the internet for hours! If TV is your priority then here are 7 moves you can do while watching your favourite show! If you don’t have a dumbbell for move 4  just use heavy cans or anything else you can find that is heavy.


How to Work off the Halloween Sugar!

31 Oct

Happy Halloween!

I am an Aussie girl so I haven’t really grown up celebrating Halloween and always felt left out when I watched American TV shows. The good news is Halloween has started to make its way here and lots of people have started getting in the spirit. There’s even trick or treating in some streets! Although I have been caught out not having treats for the kids as I wasn’t prepared. No one told me that we’ve started trick or treating!

I walked into work to see some people dressed up which is kind of cool. This is Mr T’s 2nd outfit for the day! (I wasn’t allowed to reveal his name)

While Halloween is a time for the spirits to come out and play – the sugar-free folks may want to stay in as there is temptation everywhere!

So if you have indulged this Halloween the Tone It Up Girls (who by the way I am newly  obsessed with!) have the perfect Spooky workout!

So go on and indulge – this is the only time you will ever hear me say it’s ok to eat some sugar!


Lyn xx

Ps I’d love to hear if you did anything for Halloween! Live a comment and share!

Learn How To Run!

26 Oct

I have a confession. I may be able to do 100 burpees and lift heavy weights but I can’t for the life of me run! It’s always intrigued me how you can get by or exceed in one area of fitness but then totally flunk at another.

My problem with running is 1. It bores me and 2. I feel like I can’t breathe after 5 minutes! For a long time I refused to run and was very happy when my trainer said it was better for my body type to do HIIT and sprinting rather than run. There is a myth that running burns muscle, and I am naturally very thin and want to build muscle. I was so happy to hear that and if he said don’t run I wasn’t going to run!

The other day I was told something different that running won’t burn muscle if you are also including strength training. Marathon runners who look emancipated are normally only running with no strength training. When people asked me why I din’t run I use to use the example of who has the better body the marathon runner or the sprinter and the answer is always the sprinter. They usually have beautifully sleek muscle definition. However this theory was challenged by someone saying to me that a sprinter is also conditioned to be able to run long distance. They really are the ultimate fitness example.

I was recently invited to go for a run (with a very attractive guy!) but I had to admit that I didn’t run!  I was told that I wasn’t fit if I couldn’t run! Ouch. So of course you know what I have been doing! Learning to run! (and no not just because of the attractive guy but more for my fitness – honestly!)

I am always up for a challenge so I have decided to run at least twice a week. I have been  practicing the walk run method.  It’s a great way to slowly build up your ability to run. I have heard many people of all ages and fitness levels have had success this way.

I by no means have plans to run any type of half marathon or fun run but I would love to be able to go on a run with a fit attractive guy when he asks!



Have you  gone from not being able to run toloving to run? Would love your thoughts!


Demystifying She-Hulk

22 Oct

Guest Post by Supernige

Are you one of those women who refuses to train with heavier weights because you are afraid that you will build humungous muscles and end up looking unfeminine?

Do you head straight for the 0.5kg weights and perform hundreds of repetitions in a desperate attempt to rid yourself of those batwings?

It’s time for a re-education that will revolutionise your thinking around training.

Firstly, yes you will make some improvements to your appearance using dinky weights, but after a short time the gains will slow because the body will have adapted to the same weights you insist on using workout after workout to help keep you from looking like She-Hulk.

The truth of the matter is that as a woman, you would find it very hard to build huge muscles from regular weight training. It’s a myth handed down from your granny and people didn’t know enough about the female form to ever question her. The women you see who do look like Arnie’s are professional bodybuilders and some may even resort to using steroids.

If you want to look more shapely, toned and sexy in less time then you have to drop the myth that weight training will give you massive muscles, and start training harder and heavier, otherwise you are just wasting your time going through the motions.

The trick is this – choose a weight that enables you to perform the desired number of reps in good form and once you have achieved this, increase the weight by a small amount. Repeat as necessary.

Believe it or not, this nifty little formula is called progression, and progression equals results.

I challenge you to change your mind about lifting weights. Give it a go. You may be pleasantly surprised at the results.

Happy lifting,



Nige’s life is a rich tapestry of incredible stories that have shaped him as a trainer, an athlete and a man. He offers something as powerful as it is unique – personal fitness training, online courses and ebooks that will give you far more than just a transformed physique: he will give you your life back. He is also the creator of the motivational free weekly newsletter Kick A$$ Fridays. Sign up here:

How to Lose the Belly "Pooch"

20 Oct

It was a beautiful day in Sydney today and you know what that means? Beach time!!

I am lucky enough to live only a few minute walk from the best view in the world! Always inspired to go for a walk or run when this is on my doorstep!

For so many getting into a bikini can feel a little daunting. I know a lot of you from other parts of the world are getting out of your bikinis and into your woolens but feeling good about your body should be a year-long deal.

I am pretty confident about my body (I am probably one of the rare ones!) Even when it’s not at it’s best I always feel good about myself BUT I do still try to get it looking it’s best to showcase my fitness rather than showcase my bikini.

I have been training really hard and eating so clean but I still can’t get rid of my “pooch”. My stomach has always been my weak area and the only area I really gain weight. I have lost quiet a bit off my stomach in the past 6 months but the rest won’t budge. And darn it I want abs! Having this blog keeps me very motivated to get there as I want to show you it’s possible without having to starve yourself. I also want to start moving my career into the health and fitness industry so I really want to get my body to the point where it shows how hard I train.

I was at the gym this morning and my old trainer once again pointed out the fact that I haven’t lost all the weight off my stomach and it needs to go. God love him! I always appreciate and love his honesty! I know most girls would want to hit him but I need that push, so I appreciate it! Now most of you would look at me and think my stomach was totally fine and it is! but I think the reason it’s more noticeable on me is because I am really thin everywhere else.

We talked about what I could do to get rid of the last few inches of body fat and I know it must be something to do with my diet. As you know it most of my posts, I refuse to count calories or cut out carbs or do any other of those extreme things. I know very well that I could do a total carb cut out and it would work but for how long.

What I have decided to do is cut out wheat, mainly bread as I know this has been bloating me and causing stomach pain. I have a very sensitive stomach, as I have had stomach ulcers and bacteria infections in the past so I am very sensitive to certain foods.

I will also slightly reduce my carbs, especially my fruit intake. I think some days I have 4 or 5 pieces and this may be far too much fructose. I am going to make sure I don’t get obsessive with all of this, but I want to make a few changes in my diet to try to get these abs!

I know so many people want a flat stomach and ab definition so I will share my journey along the way and let you know how I am going.

Ok so I am going to be brave and show you my pooch. I know it’s nothing major but as you can see I am skinny but have this weird bulge in my stomach! This was taken earlier in the day and by the end of the day the bulge gets worse! A year ago my stomach fat was worse – about 5 kilos more on my stomach. Once I get the results I want I will show you pics of what I was 6 months ago and my new defined abs!

Much better from the front!

I  just want to say if you’re a curvy girl please don’t be upset that I think that I have a stomach! I know what you are thinking! I know it’s nothing, but I just want to be as toned in my stomach as I am everywhere else. And I want to stop feeling so bloated with stomach pain!

So do you want to join me in finding our abs?

This week there will be no wheat products and only carbs in the morning and lunch. There will be also a limit to 2 pieces of fruit a day. If this doesn’t  help then I will look at going a little stricter but lets start here for now.

I am going to sit down over the next few days and work out a great diet plan to follow – and by diet I do not mean starvation or calorie counting! I will share this with you as soon as I have worked it out.

An example of one days meal plan will be:

Breakfast: Green Smoothie, 1 hard-boiled egg and organic oats with rice milk, chai seeds and coconut

Snack: Handful of nuts and a banana

Lunch: Large Chicken, Quinoa and Kale salad with lots of other vegies including Avocado and almonds

Snack: Apple with organic nut butter (I normally have organic peanut butter but I think I will swap this with almond butter)

Dinner: Grilled or baked fish with lots of vegetables

Desert: Chia seed chocolate pudding (chia seeds soaked in rice milk with cacao)

And for exercise it will be a lot of interval training and abs workouts like this:

Tatianna’s abs are what I am after! Or maybe not that extreme just more lines and definition! I am pretty certain I will start seeing my abs after a few weeks of cutting out wheat, so I will keep you posted!

What’s the area of your body that you would like to work on?